

Statement Metadata API HTTP Interface

The routes table below describes the methods that the Statement Metadata HTTP interface provides. Both routes require that you specify an _id from the statement record, in order to determine to which statement the metadata should be added. This can be found be found by performing a GET request on the statement model.

POST http://www.example.org/api/v2/statementmetadata/:id

To access this interface, you must additionally supply your Basic Auth details with each request in the Authorization header. Your Basic Auth details can be found under Settings > Clients.

The JSON body of these methods is a key-value pair such as the following. Some examples of where we currently add metadata can be found on question statements coming from Adapt.

{ "https://learninglocker.net/true-false-response": "Yes" }


Name | Description --- | --- | --- _id | The unique id of the Statement metadata | An object containing key-value pairs, where the key is an IRI representing the metadata field with requirements defined by the xAPI specification and the value can be of any type.






PATCH /:id

Patches a model.

POST /:id

Creates or overwrites a model.

PATCH /:id

This route patches the metadata field on a statement that has the specified statement _id from the URL. A request to this route would look something like the request below.

PATCH http://www.example.org/api/v2/statementmetadata/111aaa1111a111111aa11112 Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "example_key": "example_value" }

A request like the one above, will respond with a 200 response like the one below containing the model as JSON in the body.

POST /:id

This route creates or updates the metadata field on a statement that has the specified statement identifier from the URL.

Please note: It is preferable to use PATCH where possible to prevent overwriting metadata set by Learning Locker that is required for certain parts of the UI to work.

A request to this route would look something like the request below.

A request like the one above, will respond with a 200 response like the one below containing the model as JSON in the body.

GET statement _id

To get the statement _id for the route above, we can perform a GET request on statements via the REST API.

If you haven't already inserted your statements, they can be added via the xAPI Statements HTTP Interface, for example:

This route returns a 200 response with an array of statement identifiers when the statements are successfully created. A response from this route would look something like the response below.

Then, we can use this statement identifier from the response to query the statement model (detailed documentation can be found on the HTTP REST page), in order to retrieve the _id which is used in the statement metadata routes. We can use URL query parameters to get the statement with the specified statement identifier, then return the statement identifier with the _id, which is returned by default.

A request like the one above, will respond with a 200 response like the one below containing the statement model as JSON in the body with only the fields defined in the SELECT parameter.

This _id is then used to add statement metadata via the PATCH and POST routes.