Connection API
The Learning Locker Connection API is a HTTP interface that utilises cursors to provide paginated models. The API is inspired by GraphQL’s connections. The API is available for all models in Learning Locker, for example, to receive paginated statements via this API, you’d use the following URL.
You must additionally supply your Basic Auth details with each request in the Authorization
header. Your Basic Auth details can be found under Settings > Clients. To retrieve statements for a certain store ensure to use the credentials from the corresponding client. The API also accepts the following optional URL parameters for filtering the models returned.
sort (required - we recommend sorting by
if nothing else)search (available only for User collection in Enterprise)
filter (not available for User collection)
All of the URL parameters should be URL encoded (after JSON encoding if JSON encoding is required). For example, if you were using the example sort parameter, your request would look something like the request below.
Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH
The sort parameter is a JSON encoded object. The keys of the object represent the names of the properties you wish to sort. The values of the object represent the order in which you want to sort the properties. To sort in ascending order, use the number 1; to sort in descending order, use the number -1.
For example, to sort statements in descending order of their timestamp and ascending order of their Mongo ObjectId, you can use the following sort parameter.
"timestamp": -1,
"_id": 1
In the above example, we’ve included the _id
because it should be unique and the sort parameter should always contain a unique property in order for pagination to work correctly with cursors. The order of the keys in the object determines which property is sorted first, so always include a unique property at the end such as the _id
Note that when using extension keys, you need to replace any dots with &46;
because Mongo does not allow dots in keys. For example, when you have an extension key like
you can sort by it using http://www&46;example&46;com/extension
instead, so a sort parameter using this extension key might look something like the sort parameter below.
"statement.context.extensions.http://www&46;example&46;com/extension": 1
You may find that changing the sort parameter can vary the time it takes a query to run, especially when you have a large number of models. You can take advantage of database indexes to improve performance, more information is available about using indexes via Mongo’s documentation. If utilising indexes doesn’t have the required performance improvement, you can instead utilise BI tools.
The search parameter is a simple string and available only for User collection. This parameter will search for the match over name
and email
fields of User schema. So if the value for this parameter is exampleSearchString
, as shown in the request below, it will be transformed into filter as shown below.
Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH
"$or": [
{ "name": { "$regex": "exampleSearchString", "$options": "i" } },
{ "email": { "$regex": "exampleSearchString", "$options": "i" } }
The filter parameter is a JSON encoded object. The keys of the object represent the names of the properties or operators. The values of the object represent the value you wish to filter by.
For example, to filter statements by actor or verb, you can use the following filter parameter.
"$or": [{
"": "123",
"": ""
}, {
"": ""
In the example above, $or
is an operator (all operators start with a dollar ($
). You can find a list of the available operators in the Mongo documentation. The most common operators are the comparison operators ($eq
, $gt
, $gte
, $in
, $lt
, $lte
, $ne
, and $nin
) and the logical operators ($and
, $not
, $nor
, and $or
Note that when using extension keys, you need to replace any dots with &46;
because Mongo does not allow dots in keys. For example, when you have an extension key like
you can filter it using http://www&46;example&46;com/extension
instead, so a filter parameter using this extension key might look something like the filter parameter below.
"statement.context.extensions.http://www&46;example&46;com/extension": {
"$ne": "example_value"
You may find that changing the filter parameter can vary the time it takes a query to run, especially when you have a large number of models. You can take advantage of database indexes to improve performance, more information is available about using indexes via Mongo’s documentation. If utilising indexes doesn’t have the required performance improvement, you can instead utilise BI tools.
The project parameter is a JSON encoded object. The keys of the object usually represent the names you want to give to the projected properties. The values of the object usually determine whether the property is included/excluded or the name of the property to project from the model.
For example, to project the actor’s account name as a user’s identifier, the verb without a display, and the object’s identifier you can use the following project parameter.
"userId": "$",
"statement.verb": {
"display": "0"
"": 1
In the example above, the value 0
is used to exclude the verb’s display property. Similarly, the value 1
is used to include the object’s identifier. You can find out more about projections via the Mongo documentation.
Note that when using extension keys, you need to replace any dots with &46;
because Mongo does not allow dots in keys. For example, when you have an extension key like
you can project it using http://www&46;example&46;com/extension
instead, so a project parameter using this extension key might look something like the project parameter below.
"statement.context.extensions.http://www&46;example&46;com/extension": 1
The hint parameter is a JSON encoded object that represents a Mongo index and is similar to the sort parameter. A hint overrides Mongo’s default index selection and query optimisation process.
For example, to use an index you’ve created in Mongo for verb identifiers in ascending order, you can use the following hint parameter.
"": 1
For more information about hints, you can checkout Mongo’s hint documentation.
The first parameter is a number that represents the number of models to be returned after the after cursor parameter or from the very first model in Mongo. The value cannot exceed 1,000 and will default to 10 if not provided.
The after parameter is a string that represents a cursor used for getting models after a specified point in the Mongo collection.
To demonstrate pagination with this API, you can insert two statements using a request like the one below.
Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH
X-Experience-API-Version: 1.0.3
Content-Type: application/json
"actor": { "mbox": "" },
"verb": { "id": "" },
"object": { "id": "" },
}, {
"actor": { "mbox": "" },
"verb": { "id": "" },
"object": { "id": "" },
The request above should return you a statement identifier for each of the statements in an array.
Once you’ve inserted two statements, you can make a request for the first statement, using a request like the one below.
Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH
The request above should return you a connection, consisting of edges (which contain the models) and page info (which contains the cursors). For example, the above request would return something like the response below.
"edges": {
"cursor": "Zmlyc3RTdGF0ZW1lbnQ=",
"node": {
"_id": "59ad59a40334c1bd23322c3a",
"statement": {
"id": "0f748889-8d6c-4423-9919-189a14484d2f",
"actor": { "objectType": "Agent", "mbox": "" },
"verb": { "id": "" },
"object": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "" },
"version": "1.0.3",
"authority": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"mbox": ""
"pageInfo": {
"endCursor": "Zmlyc3RTdGF0ZW1lbnQ=",
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": true,
"startCursor": "Zmlyc3RTdGF0ZW1lbnQ="
Once you’ve received a page, you can use the cursors in the pageInfo
from the previous response to retrieve the next page. For example, we can use a request like the one below to retrieve the second of the inserted statements from earlier in this example.
Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASIC_AUTH
The request above should return you another connection, again this will consist of edges (which contain the models) and page info (which contains the cursors). For example, the request for page two would return something like the response below.
"edges": {
"cursor": "c2Vjb25kU3RhdGVtZW50",
"node": {
"_id": "59ad5b9480fe0205abbd0aec",
"statement": {
"id": "3c44a187-ad17-41c1-bc73-fed40fdbb200",
"actor": { "objectType": "Agent", "mbox": "" },
"verb": { "id": "" },
"object": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "" },
"version": "1.0.3",
"authority": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"mbox": ""
"pageInfo": {
"endCursor": "c2Vjb25kU3RhdGVtZW50",
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": true,
"startCursor": "c2Vjb25kU3RhdGVtZW50"
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