Connection HTTP Interface via http://www.example.org/api/connection/dashboard.
REST HTTP Interface via http://www.example.org/api/v2/dashboard.
Name | Description |
_id | The id of this dashboard. |
createdAt | When this dashboard was created. |
updatedAt | When this dashboard was last updated. |
title | String. Title of the dashboard. |
widgets | An array of the widgets on this dashboard. See widgets. |
organisation | Id of the organisation this dashboard belongs to. |
owner | Id of the user who created this dashboard |
visibility | NOWHERE, ANYWHERE, VALID_DOMAINS. The scope of where this dashboard is externally visible. |
validDomains | If visibility is VALID_DOMAINS, a string of domains which can view this dashboard. |
isPublic | If false then this dashboard is only available to the owner and users with org/all/dashboard/view scope, otherwise it’s available to everyone in the organisation with permission. This is unrelated to visibility. |
An array of widgets. The properties for each widget are:
Name | Description |
title | The name of the widget. |
visualisation | The id of the visualisation that this widget is displaying. |
x | The x position of this widget. |
y | The y position of this widget. |
h | The height of this widget. |
w | The width of this widget. |
Code Block |
{ "_id" : "59c2371c16bc715f83c3450c", "createdAt" : "2017-04-28T09:03:57.332Z", "updatedAt" : "2017-05-18T12:55:24.430Z", "owner" : "59c2371c16bc715f83c34509", "title" : "Example Dashboard", "organisation" : "59c2371c16bc715f83c34507", "visibility" : "NOWHERE", "widgets" : [ { "title" : "Example Widget", "_id" : "59c2371c16bc715f83c3450a", "h" : 4, "w" : 4, "y" : 0, "x" : 0, "visualisation" : "59c2371c16bc715f83c3450b" } ], "filter" : "{}", "public" : false, "isPublic" : true } |